
Zachido Barachido

How much stuff can you fit on a La-zy-Boy? Well, according to Justin, this is his list. (and what he put on the chair)
1. Mommy 2. Justin 3. Hayden 4. Shivers 5. Lightsabers-4 of them 6. walkie-talkies-2 of them 7. one compass 8. one map 9. 2 toy guns 10. 1 chain (to catch the monsters) 11. one toy dagger 12. 2 swords 13. Mommy's magazine that she was reading when all of this started.

We then go on our "safari" in our Safari Jeep. Justin looks at the map, decides where Africa is and uses his compass to find out which way to go. We're off. It's a little bumpy on the road, so Justin picks up his walkie talkie and calls up his friend "Zachido Barachido" to smooth out all of the bumps and holes in the road. Hayden answers on his walkie talkie and says, "Awright" and on we travel. We soon come to the monsters. Out come the lightsabers, and Justin holds off the monsters until Mommy and Hayden can shoot them with the guns. Justin ties up the monsters with his chain, and then we enjoy a nice leisurely ride back to our house with the monsters in tow. We never do use the dagger and swords, but I'm sure we'll try again soon.


Kerry said...

This is the most fabulous story! I read it to Dad and then to Lys and we laughed and laughed!

Angela said...

Sounds like wonderful fun, Wendy. I miss those moments with the little bitty ones.