
Biking this evening

So I got this crazy idea that we should go mountain biking after work/school today. We pulled a seat out of the van and piled eight people and eight bikes into the van and off we went... to sit in traffic. We didn't actually get out of the house until 4pm, just in time for rush hour. I forget how bad it is here as I typically work in the morning from home to avoid the mess, and I either work late enough to avoid the worst of the traffic in the evening or come home early and finish up work after the kids go to bed. I love that aspect of my job. It took us over an hour to get up to the trails, not the usual 25 minutes. Once we got there we had to unload everyone and the bikes. It looks kind of like the clowns at the circus with people piling out and then bicycle after bicycle being pulled out of the van. I take it back, we are more entertaining than the clowns, now I know what we can do for the ward talent night. The trick will be getting the van on the stage... Anyway we got Amy's trail-a-bike out and realized we had left the connector pin on my road bike. the trail-a-bike is a one wheeled bike (ike?) that hooks up to an adult's bike so your young'un can be part of the family ride. We got a screw driver that fit in the hole and tied, then taped it in place. It worked great. I got everyone's road bikes into shape a few weeks ago for the paved bike trails around here. They've been great. I forgot to tune up the mountain bikes. I was sick for the last week, so I'll blame it on a bug-addled brain. Angela made me go to the doctor yesterday. It took them 30 minutes to find my chart, I haven't been in years. I hate going to the doctor just to be told "Yes, you're sick. I can give you an antibiotic, but it's probably a virus" so I generally just wait it out and rest. Apparently the medicine the doctor gave me wasn't the wonder drug after all. Anyway, after going out less than 2 miles we turned around and limped back to the van, playing the circus clown act in reverse. It's really something to see, I should figure out some way to charge admission to everyone who stares mouth-agape while we load up. I bet they'd pay, especially if I sic'ed the kids on them. :) Anyway, we got home in time for Angela to rush off to her concert band. I let the kids tear into any leftovers they wanted and now need to put them to bed. 'Night all.

1 comment:

shelleylyn said...

So if you guys are a circus, who are the monkeys? the lions? the cannon-ball guy?