
Ranger John

Well it's official... John has graduated from Ranger school and is now a Ranger. WAHOO!!!!! We are so excited and I am so proud of John.
It's been a long year and a half of schooling for John and he is beginning Airborne school on Friday. All of Johns family came and we even represented with Kim, Wendy, Justin and Hayden coming from the Hensons. It was super hot, but really cool. There was a show before the graduation demonstrating what a Ranger learns and does; it was very exciting.
Thanks to Wendy, Kim, Justin and Hayden for coming it really meant a lot to us and made the experience so much more fun.
John and I decided that since he had some free time we would go on vacation to Orlando. It was a fast and super fun trip. We went to all the Disney parks (Animal Kingdom excluded) and went to both Universal Theme parks. John has a friend that is a paramedic for Universal so he gave us passes for free. Way fun.
We're loving being together again but nissing Aussie. Thanks to Mom, Dad, Shelley, Rob and Jasper for watching over him and making sure he doesn't cause too much mischief. We love you all andhope you are doing well. Have a great week!!!!

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